T.I. is reacting to his fallout from a leaked video of his wife Tiny bumping and grinding on Floyd Mayweather at a party terminal month.

T.I. and Mayweather have been beefing since effectually 2014 and a lot of it is caused by the Atlanta rapper's wife Tiny who has been rumored to accept a fling with the boxing gnaw. In May 2015, Mayweather and T.I. brawled at a Las Vegas eating place after a heated argument over Tiny. Fast forwards to this year, Tiny and TIP are separated and the boxer is back in the center.

Before this week a video surfaced on Shaderoom Instagram business relationship showing Tiny dancing with Floyd Mayweather and that sent off a social media firestorm forcing her to respond. The incident went downwardly at Mariah Carey'southward Halloween Political party last month. Both TIP and Mayweather take been posting subliminal messages for each other on Instagram.

"Msg to the kids," he rote. "Always accept responsibility for YOUR actions. Acquire from them,be meliorate,move forward,be happy!!! Don't make excuses when the heats on you… always be answerable,& rise above whatever adversity life throws at you. Your past doesn't ascertain you,your future does. Life has a manner of assuasive your bad decisions to take you to Gods perfect place for you."

Floyd Mayweather shot dorsum past posting a photo of his $100 one thousand thousand check along with a strong message well-nigh his wealth. "Gotta honey these backseat drivers so worried well-nigh another man's legacy instead of trying to write their own," he wrote. "Ultimately, I will always have the last laugh. This is just one of my many checks, a absurd $100,000,000.00 that I still have every dime of."

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Gotta love these backseat drivers so worried near some other man's legacy instead of trying to write their own. Ultimately, I volition ever have the last laugh. This is just one of my many checks, a cool $100,000,000.00 that I nevertheless have every dime of. Y'all notwithstanding take to work all the same, I'yard happily retired. At the stop of the day, it'due south them Benjamin Franklins that matter to me, so the jokes on you. I've made smart investments, deplorable for those who thought that I couldn't read, write, or count. Y'all call them watches, I call them time pieces. Y'all call them boats, I call them yachts. Y'all call them houses, I call them mansions. You charter jets and we own jets. #TMT

A mail shared past Floyd Mayweather (@floydmayweather) on